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Security Solutions

CWSIT Security Solutions

IT security services are designed to improve the agility, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness of information security and compliance programmes for the future generation. With our solutions in the areas of identity and access governance, data protection, risk & compliance, threat management and mitigation (application, network, and mobile), and cyber security monitoring & management, we ensure a holistic risk driven approach for enterprises.

  • Data Security
  • End Point Security
  • Application Security
  • Network Security
  • Video Sueveilllance
  • Biometrics And Access Control

StepsTypes of  IT security


Internet security

Internet security involves the protection of information that is sent and received in browsers, as well as network security involving web-based applications.

Endpoint security

Endpoint security provides protection at the device level. Devices that may be secured by endpoint security include cell phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers.

Application security

With application security, applications are specifically coded at the time of their creation to be as secure as possible, to help ensure they are not vulnerable to attacks.

AboutIT security and information security

Although IT security and information security sound similar, they do refer to different types of security. Information security refers to the processes and tools designed to protect sensitive business information from invasion, whereas IT security refers to securing digital data, through computer network security.

Threats to IT security can come in different forms. A common threat is malware, or malicious software, which may come in different variations to infect network devices, including:

  • Ransomware
  • Spyware
  • Viruses

These threats make it even more important to have reliable security practices in place. Learn more about malware to stay protected.

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